Senior Analyst
Karen Chang

Karen is a specialist in energy and in information and communications technology, with particular expertise in Taiwan’s technology development programs. Her understanding of these industries and her strong network in local and national bureaucracies serve as an invaluable resource for BGA clients seeking to expand their footprint in the country and improve relations among stakeholders. Based in southern Taiwan, she widens the angle and adaptability for BGA clients on the island.
Before joining BGA, Karen worked in several national research institutions as a government policy project manager. She focused on running technology development programs by using policy instruments and provided timely analytical industry reports for agencies such as the Ministry of Economic Affairs. Early in her career, she gained experienced on marketing and public relations while working for public relations and media companies. She draws on this experience to provide outstanding results for companies in Taiwan.
Karen holds a Master of Arts in telecommunication from the National Chengchi University and a Bachelor of Arts from National Central University, majoring in English literature. Her extensive curiosity leads her interdisciplinary learning and also impacts her career choices.

Insights & News

Trump-Ishiba Summit Reshapes US-Japan Playbook on Security, Trade and Investment
The BGA Japan Team, led by Managing Director Kiyoaki “Kiyo” Aburaki, wrote an update to clients on …

The Philippines’ Geopolitical Risks and Opportunities in 2025
The BGA Philippines Team, led by Managing Director Victor Andres Manhit, wrote an update to clients on …

Union Budget 2025-26: Government Aims to Spur Consumption and Investment to Complement Infrastructure Led Growth
The BGA India Team, led by Managing Director Vaman Desai, wrote an update to clients on India’s …