Senior Advisor, Senegal and Côte d'Ivoire
Fabienne Diouf

Fabienne has been at the forefront of advising firms and implementing public-private partnerships and infrastructure projects in West Africa for more than 10 years. Driven by a deep commitment to fostering African economic development, she leverages her project management, strategy, business development and advocacy skills to promote high-impact technology deployment across various sectors, including construction, energy, transport, agriculture, digital transition and telecommunications.
A versatile leader, Fabienne possesses a deep understanding of African market dynamics, especially in West Africa. She excels in forming and leading multidisciplinary teams in constantly evolving environments. Her guiding principle is to unite diverse expertise and intelligence to create business corridors between African countries, ensuring that solutions are adapted to local dynamics.
Fabienne believes that robust foundations such as access to health, electricity, education and quality infrastructure are crucial for translating macroeconomic growth into tangible daily life improvements for communities. She holds a bachelor’s degree in science and development economics from Franklin University in New York and an executive master’s in innovation and entrepreneurship from HEC Paris.

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