The BGA Taiwan team, led by Managing Director Rupert Hammond-Chambers, wrote a recent client update on some forthcoming developments in Taiwan’s digital domain. The update addressed some of the upcoming issues for businesses and policymakers to watch in Taiwan’s coming digital regulatory regime as well as its potential consequences.


Attention to the digital space is part of a broader story of Taiwan’s democratic evolution. The country has continuously been working on strengthening the structure of its government and institutions.

Building out the country’s regulatory system will be high on the policy agenda in the coming months. Developing the digital regulatory system to address issues such as the digital economy and cybersecurity will be among the issues topping the agenda for the fall 2021 legislative term opening in mid-September.


We will see Taiwan gradually build out its policy architecture for the digital management in the coming months. Within the next year or two, the country will likely see the establishment of a new Ministry of Digital Development and the drafting of a white paper outlining digital development.

New legislation and other notable developments could also be on the cards. For instance, we could see passage of the first laws to govern streaming media and internet governance and the opening of a new government agency overseeing personal data privacy.


The steps Taiwan takes could have broader effects on the country’s digital resilience. The institution of a clear regulatory framework is both an opportunity for Taiwan to govern its citizens freely and fairly while combating nefarious efforts to undermine its way of life.

This is a crucial time for major multinationals to stay engaged with policymakers. There are opportunities to shape the regulatory regime, with healthy industrial and market development in mind, for decades to come.

BGA will continue to keep you updated on developments in Taiwan as they occur. If you have any comments or questions, please contact BGA Taiwan Managing Director Rupert Hammond-Chambers at