Deputy Managing Director
Maria Claudette Guevara-Hizon

Claudette oversees the timely and efficient delivery of work for BGA clients in the Philippines and manages the team’s accounts and administration.
Concurrently serving as executive director of the Stratbase Institute, Claudette leads the organization’s administrative operations and contributes to its strategic planning and execution. Her role includes approving project timelines, plans and implementation strategies and reviewing contracts and partnership agreements to ensure compliance. She has also spearheaded the implementation of key projects and initiatives.
Claudette received her bachelor’s degree in political science from De La Salle University, Manila. She has been trained on leadership and management of change at the Asian Institute of Management and on project management at Ateneo De Manila University Continuing Center for Education. She was also a delegate at the Southeast Asian Young Leaders Program of the International Institute for Strategic Studies’ Shangri-La Dialogue.

Insights & News

Trump-Ishiba Summit Reshapes US-Japan Playbook on Security, Trade and Investment
The BGA Japan Team, led by Managing Director Kiyoaki “Kiyo” Aburaki, wrote an update to clients on …

The Philippines’ Geopolitical Risks and Opportunities in 2025
The BGA Philippines Team, led by Managing Director Victor Andres Manhit, wrote an update to clients on …

Union Budget 2025-26: Government Aims to Spur Consumption and Investment to Complement Infrastructure Led Growth
The BGA India Team, led by Managing Director Vaman Desai, wrote an update to clients on India’s …