Nguyen Thu Trang

Trang supports BGA clients on legal and public policy issues.
Before joining BGA, Trang had practical experience as a trainee lawyer at a top-tier law firm specializing in intellectual property. In this role, she analyzed legal issues and provided detailed advice to foreign clients. She also represented clients in their engagements with government authorities.
Trang holds a bachelor’s degree in international trade law from Hanoi Law University and completed the Judicial Academy of Vietnam’s lawyer training course. She was awarded a prize for a joint project in a scientific research competition, which focused on provisions of the free trade agreement on sustainable trade development. Trang was also selected for the Summer School Course on Environmental Criminal Law, a collaborative project between an international nonprofit organization, the University of Passau in Germany and Vietnam University’s University of Law.

Insights & News

Trump-Ishiba Summit Reshapes US-Japan Playbook on Security, Trade and Investment
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The Philippines’ Geopolitical Risks and Opportunities in 2025
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Union Budget 2025-26: Government Aims to Spur Consumption and Investment to Complement Infrastructure Led Growth
The BGA India Team, led by Managing Director Vaman Desai, wrote an update to clients on India’s …